Thursday, May 5, 2016

what is the use of "Strip comment" in Qlikview Script?

This functionality of qlikview used to increase the performance of your script code via using the functionality of Oracle to "interpret the comment as a list of hints" .


in order to use this please set Set StripComments=0; befor your code.

now include your code as :
Set StripComments=0
select /* +  Index(tablename, Colmn name)*/
* from

Set StripComments=1;

please make sure, The plus sign must immediately follow the comment delimiter and no space is permitted.  Also set Strip comment to 1 after the query otherwise stripping of comments will always be performed.

How to generate QV log files?

Go to

   Settings-> Document Properties -> General Tab-> Check "Generate LogFiles"

   Click ok.

You can also generate the time stamp in by selecting the "Timestamp in Logfile Name" option exist in Document Properties -> General Tab.

This log will be generated as the same path where your .qvw exist.