Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Qlikview Installation pre-requisite.

1. Window Server 2008 R2 Enterprise or 2012.
2. Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or higher   Note: in case of no network, you  can copy .net framework stand-alone version.
3. SKYVIEW Server x64 Setup
4. SKYVIEWDesktop_x64Setup
5. SKYVIEWGovernanceDashboard (download/copy installation file  from existing location to the destination machine)  - optional.
6. Be sure that you use qvadmin user for installation process. Important ! qvadmin user has to be in Administrators group and in QlikView Administrators group:
7. Install Oracle client 11.2.0 (Pre-requisit) for oracle DB.
8. The DB instance should be  exist in tnsnames.ora file (need Oracle client to be installed).