Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Qlikview Installation pre-requisite.

1. Window Server 2008 R2 Enterprise or 2012.
2. Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or higher   Note: in case of no network, you  can copy .net framework stand-alone version.
3. SKYVIEW Server x64 Setup
4. SKYVIEWDesktop_x64Setup
5. SKYVIEWGovernanceDashboard (download/copy installation file  from existing location to the destination machine)  - optional.
6. Be sure that you use qvadmin user for installation process. Important ! qvadmin user has to be in Administrators group and in QlikView Administrators group:
7. Install Oracle client 11.2.0 (Pre-requisit) for oracle DB.
8. The DB instance should be  exist in tnsnames.ora file (need Oracle client to be installed). 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Accumulative Sums in qlikview

A question that gets asked regularly is how to calculate a rolling measure over a period of N-months (or weeks or days). For example a 12-month rolling total or a 4-week rolling average. There are several ways to do this. The easiest way of doing this is to use the accumulate setting under the expressions tab of chart property.

With this setting, the values of the selected metric will be accumulated. But sometimes, the requirement is to have the first data point accumulated as well. For example, to show the accumulated sales for 12 months where the first month displayed should be the sum of the previous 12 months and the following months should accumulate on top of this value by adding one month at a time. One way of achieving this is to use the rangesum() and the aggr() functions together.
Let us first look at Rangesum(). It is a range function that returns the sum of a range of 1 to N arguments Together with the above() function, you can calculate the sum of the last 12 months;
rangesumabovesum(Sales),0,12) )
This expression will return the sum of sales evaluated for each month as they appear on the 12 rows above the current row.
The next step is to combine RangeSum() with  the aggr() function to aggregate the sum of sales for the 12 months at the month level.
sumaggrrangesumabovesum(Sales),0,12) ),Month))
Using the Aggr() function, it is possible to calculate the accumulated sum for any other dimensions in addition to  the time dimension. For example, the 12 months accumulated sum of sales by store can be calculated as;
sumaggrrangesumabovesum(Sales),0,12) ),Month, Store))
Optionally you could also clear any selections on the month field as the calculation should reflect the accumulated sales for the previous 12 months, regardless of selections. This is achieved by using the set analysis “{$<Month>}”.
sumaggrrangesumabovesum( {$<Month>}  Sales),0,12) ),Month))
One important thing to notice with this solution is the sort order inside the aggr() function. If the sort order is not correct, the aggregated sum of the 12 months would not be correct. QlikView always sorts the groupings (in this case the groups defined by the second parameter of the aggr() function) according to the load order. If the data is sorted by date during the load, QlikView will use this order and the aggr() function will show the correct totals for the desired time frame.

In summary, the accumulation option on the expression tab is the simplest way of achieving accumulations, but the use of rangesum() and aggr() functions are alternative ways of accumulating the data in more complex situations.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How to hide a sheet on access point in Qlikview?

If you are working on a particular sheet and changes are still not in final stage. And  If you want to hide qlikview sheet on access point.

you can use below code to acheive it.

  • Go to sheet property.
  • in general tab, select condition and write below expression.
  • IF(ClientPlatform() = '',1,0)

In dev mode, you will see the sheet but on access point it would be hidden.

Shiv shrotriya

Friday, September 2, 2016

how to validate your licence key in qlikview?

Go to below qliktech site.

  • type your licence key in searchbox 
  • All licence related information will be populated in bottom box.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Different colors for chart borders and caption background in Qlikview?

In document Properties > general Tab > Styling Mode select advanced mode.
Then in layout tab of chart you will see an option for border color you can change the color from there for chart border.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Create Qlikview Dashboard using Nprinting Log to monitor errors?

We can create dashboard using the Nprinting log as a data Source, which will give us the complete detail information about the which report distribution got failed with which error and more further information.

We can add further more detail information as per the need.

You can use below attached file in your qlikview model as well.

you just need to replace the nprinting log file source path, and it will work for you as well.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Bring text box appear in front of a chart in qlikview?

please follow below Steps..

Text Object Properties > Layout > Layer > Select Radio Box "Top" > Apply > OK

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Conditional Color change of bubble in Scatter Chart in Qlikview?

Please follow the below Steps.

We usually have 4 expression in Scatter chart.

  1.  First expression:       X coordinate for bubble position.
  2. Second Expression:   Y Coordinate for bubble position.
  3. third expression:  Size of your bubble based on expression  result numbers.
  4. Fourth Expression:  Popup text when you scroll your cursor on Bubble.

In order to change the color based on some calculation, please follow below.

  1.  Goto to first expression lets say X.
  2. got to the backgroud color for first expression.
  3. write your formula here as per the need.

feel free to reach to me for any concern.


how to get .csv output file via nprinting in qlikview?

Please follow the below steps.

  1. Select the Reports icon in the lower left pane
  2. Select the QlikView Entity reports icon in the upper left pane
  3. Click on the QlikView Entity Report icon in the New group.
  4. Open the Object Selection window by clicking on the browse button at the extreme right end of the Object ID field
  5. Click on Save and Close.
  6. Now Add your report to the task.
  7. Open the Output Format drop-down menu by clicking on the cell containing Pdf
  8. Select Csv for the Output Format.

Now save your .nsq file and make a run.

Please make sure, in Task message attached option is enabled.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

how can i restrict my .qvw file not to be used in any binary load in Qlikview?

GO to Document Properties -> opening -> and check "prohibit binary load".

How to retrieve List of Variables along with their Definition in Qlikview?

Add below code in your script and run the script.
This will Add a table which will hold variable name and their definition. This value is from last reload(when the last time Dashboard was saved).

Let zFileName = DocumentPath();
Set ErrorMode = 0;

  Name   As SOE.Name,
  RawValue   As SOE.Definition
FROM [$(zFileName)] (XmlSimple, Table is [DocumentSummary/VariableDescription])
Where Not(IsReserved = 'true' Or IsConfig = 'true');

Set zFileName = ;
Set ErrorMode = 1;

Thursday, May 5, 2016

what is the use of "Strip comment" in Qlikview Script?

This functionality of qlikview used to increase the performance of your script code via using the functionality of Oracle to "interpret the comment as a list of hints" .


in order to use this please set Set StripComments=0; befor your code.

now include your code as :
Set StripComments=0
select /* +  Index(tablename, Colmn name)*/
* from

Set StripComments=1;

please make sure, The plus sign must immediately follow the comment delimiter and no space is permitted.  Also set Strip comment to 1 after the query otherwise stripping of comments will always be performed.

How to generate QV log files?

Go to

   Settings-> Document Properties -> General Tab-> Check "Generate LogFiles"

   Click ok.

You can also generate the time stamp in by selecting the "Timestamp in Logfile Name" option exist in Document Properties -> General Tab.

This log will be generated as the same path where your .qvw exist.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

How to create Metro map in Qlikview?

Metro chart is the advances implementation of existing Scattered chart in qlikview, which does look like as below.

We can understand it with below example..

to implement Metro chart we need one metro image already created at back end to implement the chart. Then we will create one inline table or can use existing data from backend.

    1, 0.1, 13
    2, 0.1, 8.7
    3, 1.5, 15.7
    4, 1.5, 11.2
    5, 1.5, 6.4
    6, 1.5, 1.5
    7, 2.2, 1.5
    8, 3.7, 11.2
    9, 4.3, 11.2
    10 ,5.4, 9
    11 ,5.4, 13.6
    12 ,6.1, 9
    13, 6.6, 9
    14, 7.2, 9
    15, 7.8, 9

1. Goto the create chart, select scattered chart.
2. Select the dimension(Action ID).
3. Expression tab, select X and Y as expression and create one more expression SUM(Action ID).
4, Goto to the color tab, select Frame background image and save it.

you can play with other existing options to make the chart more attractive.
please follow the above steps and get the desired chart.
