Thursday, August 25, 2016

how to get .csv output file via nprinting in qlikview?

Please follow the below steps.

  1. Select the Reports icon in the lower left pane
  2. Select the QlikView Entity reports icon in the upper left pane
  3. Click on the QlikView Entity Report icon in the New group.
  4. Open the Object Selection window by clicking on the browse button at the extreme right end of the Object ID field
  5. Click on Save and Close.
  6. Now Add your report to the task.
  7. Open the Output Format drop-down menu by clicking on the cell containing Pdf
  8. Select Csv for the Output Format.

Now save your .nsq file and make a run.

Please make sure, in Task message attached option is enabled.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for putting up such a descriptive and informative post. Its really important to learn and understand QlikSense and its related aspects.

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