Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Different colors for chart borders and caption background in Qlikview?

In document Properties > general Tab > Styling Mode select advanced mode.
Then in layout tab of chart you will see an option for border color you can change the color from there for chart border.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Create Qlikview Dashboard using Nprinting Log to monitor errors?

We can create dashboard using the Nprinting log as a data Source, which will give us the complete detail information about the which report distribution got failed with which error and more further information.

We can add further more detail information as per the need.

You can use below attached file in your qlikview model as well.

you just need to replace the nprinting log file source path, and it will work for you as well.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Bring text box appear in front of a chart in qlikview?

please follow below Steps..

Text Object Properties > Layout > Layer > Select Radio Box "Top" > Apply > OK

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Conditional Color change of bubble in Scatter Chart in Qlikview?

Please follow the below Steps.

We usually have 4 expression in Scatter chart.

  1.  First expression:       X coordinate for bubble position.
  2. Second Expression:   Y Coordinate for bubble position.
  3. third expression:  Size of your bubble based on expression  result numbers.
  4. Fourth Expression:  Popup text when you scroll your cursor on Bubble.

In order to change the color based on some calculation, please follow below.

  1.  Goto to first expression lets say X.
  2. got to the backgroud color for first expression.
  3. write your formula here as per the need.

feel free to reach to me for any concern.


how to get .csv output file via nprinting in qlikview?

Please follow the below steps.

  1. Select the Reports icon in the lower left pane
  2. Select the QlikView Entity reports icon in the upper left pane
  3. Click on the QlikView Entity Report icon in the New group.
  4. Open the Object Selection window by clicking on the browse button at the extreme right end of the Object ID field
  5. Click on Save and Close.
  6. Now Add your report to the task.
  7. Open the Output Format drop-down menu by clicking on the cell containing Pdf
  8. Select Csv for the Output Format.

Now save your .nsq file and make a run.

Please make sure, in Task message attached option is enabled.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

how can i restrict my .qvw file not to be used in any binary load in Qlikview?

GO to Document Properties -> opening -> and check "prohibit binary load".

How to retrieve List of Variables along with their Definition in Qlikview?

Add below code in your script and run the script.
This will Add a table which will hold variable name and their definition. This value is from last reload(when the last time Dashboard was saved).

Let zFileName = DocumentPath();
Set ErrorMode = 0;

  Name   As SOE.Name,
  RawValue   As SOE.Definition
FROM [$(zFileName)] (XmlSimple, Table is [DocumentSummary/VariableDescription])
Where Not(IsReserved = 'true' Or IsConfig = 'true');

Set zFileName = ;
Set ErrorMode = 1;